Monday, May 4, 2009

Some Nerve

I know that saving money is what we should be thinking about of or better yet what we should be doing. However we should not make the people who already are suffering suffer more. The hard working citizens who have lost their jobs because of the recession. Republicans came up with an idea; they want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to put forward to random drug testing. I mean I hate the fact that people who can work are often times on welfare because they are lazy and lack motivation. I understand passing this bill can save the tax payer addition money and also save some money for the bell out plan as well. And since in most cases good jobs do require drug test so it does have it reasoning. One of the reason why we are in this situation is because of President Bush that many of you and your parents voted for. Republican seem to always want to take money from the middle class and the poor. And they want to give more money to their military which is why we are in recession now. President Bush had an hidden agenda which was to kill Saddam Hussein and control the middle east oil. And he used weapons of mass destruction as a decoy. There are some of you that like I want them to pass a bill for drugs test for welfare recipients. And what you are doing is feeding into what they want you to believe in. If they pass this bill than they are chipping away at our right to privacy. And the simple fact than the door would be wide open to other ideas such as college students being drugged tested before they can get a federal loan. You think they honestly care about the people and the drugs they do hell no. America is one of the biggest drug dealers itself. They sell cigarettes and alcohol one of the deadly thing on our planet and they care for us and our health. They raise the price not for people to stop no because supply and demand is so high that no matter what the price is people are going to still pay for cigarettes. So honestly you tell me if they truly care about us or not.

Good Night and Good Luck

Good Night and Good Luck was a good movie, even though they smoke so much cigarettes that my stomach started to hurt. But a calm smooth dude is what Edward R. Murrow was. He was a real journalism all or nothing risking his job so people can have the truth instead of lies. It gives great insight on Edward R. Murrow life and what he went through. Edward took no sides he just did his job. Now reporters now show a lot more emotion picking sides when they suppose to just do is report. Without Edward being the man who he was that he knows he is the watchdog for the public and without him Watergate might not ever came to light

Porn in Library

Damn we as men cannot be that bad that he could not wait to go home and watch some porn. I agree that you should not block porn, but it got to be something wrong with a kid watching porn. Especially with a stranger who feels that comfortable watching porn in a public place where children may be located. I do not have a problem with porn. I have a problem with a person who wants to watch porn in a library. Don’t say what if that person does not have a computer because I do not honestly care. People like that one must watch them around children I am a huge believer that people who rape others should be killed on sight. And I can image a normal person going to the library to watch porn. So keep porn on the web but watch how it is shown. Because I am trying to start my own company anyway Yard Man Hard so I can not knock porn I just knock the person or people who need porn that much that they would use it in the library.

Bang Bang Boggie

10 If one wants to stop guys it simple make a bullet a 1000 dollars. So if a person was killed one would no that it was meant for that person to die sad to say. Southern States love their guns; I think they love it more than human life. I cannot believe that a college professor would dare say “You know what class we should have show and tell of guns. “ He is so dumb and country to thinking about brings a fire arm to school so I guess the teacher going to carry grenades. In Texas, they must be waiting for Marshall Law to take place. I guess it would not be a smart idea to have a surprise party for a Texan. Unless you are prepared for a funeral the same day it must be boring that all southern think about is firing rounds off.

Origin of Wolverine BlockBuster

The first story was about the Origin of Wolverine and how much money it made it first weekend. Mobile food-safety labs get FDA up to speed. The story which takes place in Mexico is trying to find drugs, money, and guns which the Cartel puts in food products to transport. You cannot forget about the swine flu infecting people left and right. Search for Bernard Madoff's Billions Leads to Switzerland, Africa. The government is trying to located the missing money they believe he may have money in dead clients name, and that he has it in many offshore accounts. This old bag I hope he going to a federal prison. Because if he reaches population he might be a dead duck. Greed is the heart of evil and when looking at his picture he looks like a smooth con man. Bernard Madoff’s destroyed millions of live, people trust him with their life saving with is their life and knows some don’t even know if life is worth saving.

Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh stated that the C.I.A got value information from terrorist because agent integrated them even though Obama wants to get ride of certain integrated skills they use. Rush Limbaugh states that Obama is telling America to cut back while he is throwing parties in the white house and he eating Kobe beef which is worth a 100$ dollars a piece. And that he is going around to many nations saying sorry that Americans cause harm. Rush Limbaugh may have some good ideas what Obama is doing wrong socially when visiting other nations. However we can not blame him for this mess. Blame yourself, your family, and your friends who voted for President Bush it is entirely your fault. You people are the reason why everything is like that. People fell for the weapon of mass destruction line. He used that as a distraction so we would not really see what was his real purpose was, killing Saddam Hussein. People want everything to happen so fast, but it is not going to happen that way. So the next time you blame Obama make sure blame you mom, dad and grandfather as well.

Christopher Hitchens is the author of God is not Great

Christopher Hitchens is the author of God is not Great. Christopher destroys Rev. Falwell's after he died and Hannity asked Colmes do you think it right to talk about the dead. Christopher is saying that Rev. Falwell’s used religion as a business and when he died he passed it sown to his children. Mr. Hitchens than goes on to say that why should he repentant what he feels when Rev. Falwell stated that the United States deserve 9/11. Hannity and Colmes are strongly vocal. They mix religion and politics I never saw journalist go in depth with religion usually they strained away from the topic not Hannity. I like this show because I believe I am going to be a huge fan. It no better feeling than knowing that a reporter is going to leave everything in front of the camera knows matter the cost. On Hannity and Colmes show it was a professor from North Carolina that stated that blacks most exterminate all whites. Hannity and Colmes are trying to understand do all Afro-Americans want to kill white people. They do not want to kill all whites Afro-Americans just to show that white people are just good managers. They used the Native Americans to field the food got them drunk and tried to kill them off. Afro-Americans were used to field the crops. Than we got the Asians who lived in California to harvest the fruits and now they got the Spanish culture to do all the jobs that normal people do not want to do.


Guns don’t kill people, people kill people unless the gun drops and fires on it are on. In Columbine High School the kids killed and showed that know one wants to be alone. Because none of them no one died alone. They were the people who were the outsiders, they never had the feeling of being complete so for them to fill complete they did not want to be alone anymore they want to die with people instead of dying alone. The Columbine: Lessons Learned in New Jersey was practice makes perfect. To make sure that you are ready for the worst case situation one must practices routines. I remember the week after the shooting I never had so many fire drills in school in all my life. The shooting at Columbine open allot of people minds. One may never knew with a person is going through so one must treat everyone like you want to be treated on situation like this can happen at any time.

Blogger seeks to protect sources

In the Star-Ledger on April 23, 2009 they are attacking our fallen acquaintances they are trying to tame us Bloggers. A judge in Monmouth County has to decide whether these women from Pacific Northwest should have the same rights as journalist. She posted slandering comments about the pornography industry. She stated it was a computer breach that the Freehold Company has giving porn companies their client’s information so they can get new customer to consume more porn. Hale is doing a great job; she is getting treated like a journalist she is protected by shield law which means she does not have to give up her source who told her that Freehold Company was giving their information to porn company. She is a watchdog helping people save their identify so their personally information is not stolen. With the huge use of online shopping it is becoming more and more dangerous to use your personality information to purchase shopping items. If you spend your money on a company that company should not gave your personally info to any other company no matter if that company is giving more money. Digital age is going to destroy the human race because we put to much time on the computer so we feel comfortable giving our information that people out there need to really careful or that’s your ass.

Daily Show

4 The Daily Show is pure satire. Where network news tries to inform its viewer so they only use story that are hot topics. Journalist have a higher being that picks what story will be talk about and what stories are not. For example ABC covered many stories that dealt with political issues such as Hilary Clinton vs. Lou Dobb. And from Hilary Clinton holding back tears for Brain Adkins who died as a diplomat in Ethiopia. Where the Daily Show would never have a serious moment in it show. Reason being for that is that the Daily Show is for entertainment purpose only and the network new is was one supposes to get their value information. All the dummies that think that the Daily Show is real news put you hand in some fire because it won’t burn dummy. If one wants real info go watch CNN news to be inform or even better yet read the newspapers because if you want the reporters to be the one who teach you want you think you need to know you are just limiting yourself in the end. And the people who think Daily Show does inform them I am not sorry to say this that why you are not the elite people of the world, because you cannot think for yourself.

Local News NJN

NJN news had one story that dealt with politics. And it was title Bill would delay prosecutors' political ambitions. Senator Richard Codey who is a Democrat, wants to pass a bill that will not allow top cops from running for political possession so early after leaving their positions as officers. In fact, he wants them to at least wait two years before running for office. I do not trust me sometimes. So why would I trust a politicians they lie and black mail each other. To make sure they can stay ahead of one another. If Richard Codey wants to impress me he should try to make a bill that forces all politicians to take monthly lie detector. Because honestly I do not trust a word that comes out of their mouth, I believe all politicians have a motive that we as citizen do not see. It was not enough political gossip for me it was one story that dealt with politics out of seventeen other stories. And to make it even worst the story had no entertaining value to it. Just an old man that is scared of some new competition so he wants to use his political juice to influence older politicians to keep young minds out of politics.

Motorcycle Gang Investigated in 3 Deaths CNN vs Fox news

Fox News is okay but I am the type of guy that does not know about you. That’s why I like CNN straight news because it is not entertainment, just journalism. Since the swine flu came out every station just keep on going on about the swine flu CNN and FOX News most be dueling it out to see who can talk about the swine flu the most. CNN talks in a calmer manner were Fox’s News has a more energetic vibe to its information. Oh shout to the family of the late Jack Kemp lets gave a moment of silence….. Back to the middleman blog. Fox New had some other stories especially if you like the whole Rated R movie biker gang drama. Which this report would be compared too. Fox News ran a story called Motorcycle Gang Investigated in 3 Deaths, In St. Louis it was stated that members of a biker gang who are named Invaders are reasonable for murdering two men. The men are named 39-year-old Randy Greenman, and 36-year-old George Whitter was they located. It was that the two men were missing since September 2007. Their bodies were found in two separate locations one was in Missouri and Illinois. On the other hand CNN did not mention that story about a motorcycle gang. CNN news they were more focus on the swine flu the only entertaining part of CNN news was when they talking about the Origin of Wolverine which did good in the box office on it opening weekend. If I can describe CNN emotion I would say that CNN is a sniper ready to give a head shot they got to do their job now matter rain, sleet, or snow.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

The youth of our world need to be better educated on safe sex. I feel that they do not know the full extent of their actions. One can receive so many STDs by not having safe sex. I am not even mentioning the pregnancy factor of it.

There are so many unwanted pregnancies because people are being stupid and not wrapping their tools. It is like the recent movie “knocked up” people have fun at a club, meet some one, have sex, and then regret it when they are at the birth of their child. This could all be avoided if there was just safe sex.

Jets Blog

There has been recent news that the there are plans to move the Super Bowl to London in the near future. I feel that this is ridiculous and should not be done. The Super Bowl is the most watched single day event in America. What is the point to move it over seas? To expand the league?

The commissioner wants to expand the league and make it more global. I feel that there would be too much traveling involved in doing this. To have a team based in London is stretching players way too thin. Having the Super Bowl there is just the first step of this plan. If London wants football they should make their own league.

A-Rod Accused of Pitch-Tipping

. There have been recent stories that Alex Rodriguez has pitch tipped different opponents in order for him to receive it back. I think this is absolutely false. This is a world class athlete and competitor. He is by far the best hitter in the game. He does not need to help his opponents to better himself.

I feel that this is a just another attack at greatness. He is under a microscope because he is the greatest and most well known athlete in the MLB today. People need to stop hating on A-Rod for this nonsense that has no way of being proven. He constantly has ridiculous stories about him it needs to stop.

Soccer Blog

. Ignorant Americans that are not fans of soccer really annoy me. They do not realize the physicality of soccer. They often call people that play soccer “foot fairies.” Soccer is a sport that requires skill over anything.

It does not matter the size of the person or the shape if you have a certain skill set to get the job done. You have to run for 90 minutes; no other sport requires this. Other sports you can be a star in just by being physically gifted. Soccer you need skill to play otherwise you are lost. I feel that Americans are missing out on this great sport.


The US navy seals hell weak is a rigorous week for navy seals training. It is a necessary evil to weed out the weak individuals. Looking at this clip on YouTube really opened up my eyes at these tough men that are working to defend our country. The sacrifices that they make are immense.

They battle the cold and the lack of sleep to survive hell week. This clip really opened up my eyes are the rigorousness of military training. There is a 70% drop out rate during this week. This number shows how hard this week is.

Abortion and Reproductive Rights”

Abortion is a major debate in today’s society. Many people have many different opinions about this topic. I feel that it should be a collective decision between both parties. Some people are pro life and others are pro choice. A decision should be made between both parties that helps all involved.

I do not see the point if there is a teenage pregnancy for a baby to ruin a young persons life. It might necessarily work out that way there are thousands of success stories, however the chance if greatly higher. It should be up to the parties involved and they should make an educated choice to benefit all involved.

The Environmental Blog

I feel that global warming is a serious situation that has to start being more recognized by people around the world. I feel that humans are not helping the situation. I feel that they are speeding up the warming. With all of that said, I feel that it is being exaggerated a little bit. I feel that is also a trend. We are just exiting an ice age and the weather is bound to get hotter.

To further prove my point, some of the hottest temperatures recorded occurred during the industrial revolution. They then went down after this era. Since that time period there has been a slow but steady rise in temperatures. I feel that it is a cycle but humans do help speed up the cycle.

'Girls Next Door' star Bridget Marquardt leaving Playboy Mansion

Watching one of the latest episodes of “Girls Next Door” made me realize that it has a negative impact on the socialization of girls. The show makes the women look like sex objects and not as real human beings. The show points out all the stupidity of the everyday lives of the girls. It shows all of the blunders that they have throughout the day. These girls are not necessarily the smartest people, however I feel that they are a lot smarter then how they are portrayed in the show.

The one positive that the show has is that it shows how Bridget is using her fame to pay for her schooling. She is currently working on a masters degree and is looking to pursue a PhD. This shows that women can be educated just as everyone else. However, the overall socialization of women on the show is negative. Like I mentioned before it makes the women look like sex objects and not as people.

Thursday, February 19, 2009